Shower Repair and Installation

Rightio’s expert plumbers can be on their way at a moment’s notice

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Don’t sacrifice your relaxation time, our plumbing experts will fix broken cartridges, water temperature problems and blocked trays. All our plumbers have more than 5 years of experience and can carry on repairs on both electric and boiler-fed showers, as well as install your new shower same day. Call us now!

12 month guarantee.

Competitive rates.

Friendly and qualified plumbers.

12 month guarantee.

Friendly and qualified plumbers.

Competitive rates.

We can fix the following shower problems in your home:

  • Shower too hot or too cold
  • Flow or pressure problems
  • Shower pump repairs
  • Dripping shower head
  • Shower temperature fluctuations
  • Blocked shower drain pipes
  • Shower cutting out

We can fix the following shower problems in your home:

  • Shower too hot or too cold
  • Shower temperature fluctuations
  • Flow or pressure problems
  • Blocked shower drain pipes
  • Shower pump repairs
  • Shower cutting out
  • Dripping shower head

We are experts in sink repair and installation

All Rightio plumbers have a minimum of 5 years’ experience, allowing them to professionally repair a variety of shower issues such as pressure problems, temperature fluctuations, low or no flow, faulty pumps and dripping shower heads. We can also unblock shower drain pipes and carry out installations.

Our engineers are local to you

Waiting for a shower repair or installation can be inconvenient for you and your family. Our local plumbers can be at your home, business or tenanted property at a moment’s notice, carrying out your installation or repair quickly and effectively. Give us a call now on 01604 651089 to arrange a visit.

Commercial and tenanted properties

We also carry out shower repairs and installations at commercial properties, such as gyms, hotels and offices to name just a few.

If you’re a landlord who needs a shower repaired or installed at a tenanted property we’ve got you covered. We can book an engineer, and liaise directly with your tenants taking all the stress away.

Don’t sacrifice your relaxation time, our plumbing experts will fix broken cartridges, water temperature problems and blocked trays. All our plumbers have more than 5 years of experience and can carry on repairs on both electric and boiler-fed showers, as well as install your new shower same day. Call us now!

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Local plumbers available now in Northampton

  • Our engineers are local to you and therefore respond fast
  • They all have at least 5 years experience
  • Work is guaranteed for 12 months
  • Trusted service - over 2800 Reviews on

We are ready to help!

Call us on 01604 651089

For all emergency and planned repairs